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School Programs
Whole School Approaches
Whole School Approaches

Information for Parents
When children are having some challenges in learning or behaviour it is a good idea to eliminate any medical reasons for the concern. If your child is referred to a specialist or advisor, this information will assist them and in some incidences assessments will not occur until this information is obtained.
The list below shows the required screener assessments. If you have further questions or concerns regarding these assessments, please do not hesitate to discuss them with your child's teacher.
Make an appointment with any optometrist and ask them to provide a report for the school. Medicare cover the cost of the assessment. There will be a fee for glasses, if required.
The school can refer children to NT Hearing with your verbal permission. NT Hearing will then contact you for an appointment. Medicare cover the cost of this test.
A paediatrician is a doctor that specialises in working with children. To see a paediatrician, you will need a referral from your GP (General Practitioner or doctor). The GP may also do some blood tests, as preliminary information for the paediatrician. Fees may apply. The school can provide you with a letter that outlines your child's strengths, areas of concern and the strategies used at school to support your child. This information will assist both the doctor and paediatrician in their assessment. Please let your teacher know at least a week before the paediatrician appointment.
Children's Development Team
Children's Development Team (CDT) provide assessments by Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. The school can make this referral, with your written permission. Children in Preschool and Transition can refer to CDT, Year 1-6 must be referred to SWIPS. CDT will complete the formal assessment at school and provide a report to parents and the school.
Medicare number must be provided at time of referral.
If students are eligible for NDIS funding CDT will not take them on as a client.
Private OT and Speech Referrals
As there is a long wait list for referrals to CDT, which can be up to a year, parents have the option to go privately. Fees apply. Parents can reduce fees by having a Health Care Plan which is created by the GP.
All children who have NDIS funding must go privately.
Student Wellbeing and Inclusion
The school can refer children who have a diagnosis or imputed diagnosis, to Student Wellbeing and Inclusion Programs and Services (SWIPS). A vision, hearing and paediatrician assessments must be completed before paediatrician appointment has been scheduled.
Student Wellbeing and Inclusion advisor may do a classroom observation. Their advice and guidance can be a great source of support to the classroom teacher and parents.
Following an observation and analysing other reports the advisors may refer children on for further assessment or support from a School Psychologist or other advisors (Hearing, Vision and Autism Spectrum Disorder). No cost.
The school can refer children for counselling with the School Based Counsellor with written parental consent.
This service may have a wait list. Parents can arrange other counselling service privately.
Student Support
Student Support

Anula Primary School is dedicated in ensuring that all students are given opportunities to reach their full potential in a supportive and inclusive environment. Anula staff work closely with parents / carers, Student Wellbeing and Inclusion and Allied Health practitioners to maximise the child's learning opportunities.

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