How to Enrol
If your child turns four between 1st January and 30th June, they may start preschool at the beginning of the school year (Term 1).
If your child turns four after 30 June in the school year, they may start preschool on or after their fourth birthday if the preschool has places available and on the understanding that your child will attend preschool for more than 12 months by re-enrolling the following year
Your child can attend Transition if they turn five on or before the 30th June of the school year. If your child turns five after the 30th June, they will attend Transition from the start of the next school year.
Intensive English School
If your child has recently moved to Australia and has little to no English, they may be eligible to enrol in our Intensive English Class. Students in the Intensive English Class do not need to live in the Anula / Marrara priority enrolment area as there is a bus service available. Please see the handbook for more information.
To enrol
Please click on the Enrol Online button which will take you to an online enrolment form. There are also additional forms that must be completed and these can be found below. Alternatively you can collect an enrolment form from our front office.
When enrolling your child you will need the following:
birth certificate, passport or equivalent identification
immunisation record
proof of address i.e rates bill or tenancy agreement
details of any medical conditions
emergency contact details
name of previous school (if appropriate).
If your child was born outside Australia and on a visa, please contact International Services prior to enrolment to obtain a ‘Confirmation of Placement’.
8999 5895

Transition to Year 6

Intensive English School

Student Resource Contribution
Anula Primary School incurs many day to day expenses which are covered by the contributions, such as
Library resources
Subsidised excursions
Art and craft supplies
First Aid supplies
Ambulance cover
Ink and toner for printers
Computer resources and software licensing
Emergency lunches
Parents are encouraged to make a contribution to the school each year to enhance the educational, sport and art programs. This small financial provision enables the school to provide the resources which add value to every student's learning experiences.
Suggested Annual Contribution
First child
Second child
Third and subsequent children
Preschool per term
Direct Deposit Payment
Account Number
Account Name
Please note that EFTPOS and credit card facilities are available at the front office.​
Anula School Council